Go Green

General tips to cut down on waste, and reuse energy. All geared toward helping our environment, and saving you money.

What can you do?

  1. Recycle newspapers, cans, and bottles.

  2. Choose products made with recycled content. Look for the chasing arrows symbol.

  3. Fix those leaky faucets.

  4. Start a compost in your back yard or on your rooftop.

  5. Pay your bills online to reduce paper.

  6. Lower your thermostat. Buy a programmable thermostat.

  7. Reuse your water bottle. Avoid buying bottled water. In fact, reuse everything at least once, especially plastics

  8. Buy foods locally. Buy locally made products and locally produced services.

  9. Buy compact fluorescent light bulbs. You'll find more on energy-efficient products and practices at Energy Star.

  10. Place dishes in the dishwasher without first rinsing them with water.

  11. Car pool. Connect with other commuters at eRideShare.

  12. Ride a bike.

  13. Buy products that use recyclable materials whenever possible.

  14. Consider organic cleaning products like vinegar, borax, and baking soda.

  15. Bring your own bags to the grocery store. Given a choice between plastic and paper, opt for paper.

  16. Get off junk mail lists. GreenDimes can get you started. They’ll even plant a tree for you!


    Recycling available at the following locations:

    • Tipton County Land Fill - plastic, newspaper, motor oil, aluminum cans, anti-freeze
      9051 Highway 51
      Brighton, TN 

    • Worley Brothers - scrap iron and metal
      14895 Highway 51
      Atoka, TN

    • Town of Atoka - newspaper, paper, cardboard
      334 Atoka Avenue
      Atoka, TN 

    • City of Munford - newspaper, paper, cardboard
      1397 Munford Avenue
      Munford, TN 

      Phone Book Recycling